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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Keys Me Quick

Some travellers perceive Saffers as a thieving lot, and Terrylin had a problem with the keys.

Mom and Dad, waiting outside for collection, felt they needed to check their luggage.

All. The. Time.

"Geoffrey, ask Joy for the key, and see if our things are still ok."

"Sabrina, ask Joy for the key, and check if everything is still there."

Lock. Unlock. Lock. Unlock. Slam. Bang.

Also, worthy of a mention, were the bathroom doors. The keys were twisted, left and right, up and down, back and forth, in and out, falling on the floor, until we were driven batty.

So, Steven replaced the handles with the vacant/engaged gadgets, and made the following discoveries:

1. A tampon, in one handle. To discourage the Peeping Toms?

2. A pound coin, in the other. One thought one had to pay. What. What.

On a roll, Steven also replaced the sign on the front wall, with a light inside. So powerful, one can read Terrylin for Travellers - Budget Accommodation - from the airport.

But, of course, a couple, had to ring the bell:

"Is Terrylin for Travellers, also Terrylin Backpackers? Are we at the right place? We are going out again, and need a key for the front gate."

Japie, an Afrikaner, was asked to set the light switch - on, from 6:30 pm and off, at 11:30pm, but, what with the half ses and six thirty, ditto, 11:30, spent days here trying to sort out the problem.

I ran ragged, back and forth, with the keys.

Another time, Terrylin was full and on their departure, I discovered EVERY door key missing.

Saysa: "I will be back in three days time, so can I take the key with me?"

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